
发布时间:2016-08-12 22:58:09


近日,一项刊登于国际杂志JEZ-Molecular and Developmental Evolution上的研究论文中,来自耶鲁大学和辛辛那提儿童医院的研究人员通过对母乳动物进行研究发现,女性的性高潮看似是房事给女性带来的欢愉,但实则其可以帮助促进排卵。


研究者Gunter Wagner教授表示,此前研究都趋向于从人类生物学中及修饰特性中寻找相关的证据,而不是从进化起源角度寻找线索,而在我们这项研究中,我们发现,进化出现女性性高潮的特点或许是诱导机体排卵的一种原始祖先的功能。目前在性高潮和后代数量或人类成功繁殖数量之间并没有明确的关联,科学家们也非常关注研究伴随女性性高潮的特殊生理学特性,即催乳素和催产素的神经内分泌排出,并且研究者还在其它的胎盘哺乳动物中寻找相应的生理学活性,最后他们发现,在很多哺乳动物机体中,这种反射作用在排卵过程中都扮演着重要角色。


研究者表示,雌性性高潮或许可以进化成为直接扮演生殖角色的适应性机制,而这种生理性的反射反应就可以直接诱导排卵发生,当然这种反射对于进化后期的生殖过程来说就会变成不必要的,而性高潮的释放往往会扮演其它次要的角色。一项对雌性生殖器的比较研究结果表明,同自发性排卵(spontaneous ovulation)进化非常巧合的是,雌性生殖器中阴蒂往往也是迁移自祖先机体的特定位置,这种解剖学上的改变就会使得雌性在在性交过程中阴蒂并不太可能接受足够多的刺激从而引发性高潮的产生(神经内分泌的反射现象)。



The Evolutionary Origin of Female Orgasm



The evolutionary explanation of female orgasm has been difficult to come by. The orgasm in women does not obviously contribute to the reproductive success, and surprisingly unreliably accompanies heterosexual intercourse. Two types of explanations have been proposed: one insisting on extant adaptive roles in reproduction, another explaining female orgasm as a byproduct of selection on male orgasm, which is crucial for sperm transfer. We emphasize that these explanations tend to focus on evidence from human biology and thus address the modification of a trait rather than its evolutionary origin. To trace the trait through evolution requires identifying its homologue in other species, which may have limited similarity with the human trait. Human female orgasm is associated with an endocrine surge similar to the copulatory surges in species with induced ovulation. We suggest that the homolog of human orgasm is the reflex that, ancestrally, induced ovulation. This reflex became superfluous with the evolution of spontaneous ovulation, potentially freeing female orgasm for other roles. This is supported by phylogenetic evidence showing that induced ovulation is ancestral, while spontaneous ovulation is derived within eutherians. In addition, the comparative anatomy of female reproductive tract shows that evolution of spontaneous ovulation is correlated with increasing distance of clitoris from the copulatory canal. In summary, we suggest that the female orgasm-like trait may have been adaptive, however for a different role, namely for inducing ovulation. With the evolution of spontaneous ovulation, orgasm was freed to gain secondary roles, which may explain its maintenance, but not its origin.
