
发布时间:2016-02-07 22:49:03




正如已在结核杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)和沙门氏菌--它们的存活和感染策略就是破坏这种开关---中观察到的那样,这种吞噬体迁移控制开关在病原体降解中发挥着重要作用。

如今,在一项新的研究中,来自印度孟买塔塔基础研究院的研究人员证实吞噬体的命运“开关”是由于被称作脂筏的胆固醇富含结构域(cholesterol-rich domain)在吞噬体膜上形成而产生的。论文通信作者RoopMallik教授说,“我们发现将病原体输送到溶酶体是通过很多纳米级马达动力蛋白的物理性簇集来实现的。”相关研究结果发表在2016年2月11日那期Cell期刊上,论文标题为“Dynein Clusters into Lipid Microdomains on Phagosomes to Drive Rapid Transport toward Lysosomes”。


重要的是,他们也证实来自寄生虫杜氏利什曼虫(Leishmania donovani)的一种脂质分子能够破坏动力蛋白的簇集,因而阻止吞噬体迁往溶酶体,其中杜氏利什曼虫导致内脏利什曼病(Visceral Leishmaniasis),即黑热病(Kala-azar),它是一种很多热带国家(包括印度在内)特有的致命性疾病。这可能是利什曼虫通过在我们的肝脏和肾脏免疫细胞内存活、增殖而能够扩散感染的机制。



Dynein Clusters into Lipid Microdomains on Phagosomes to Drive Rapid Transport toward Lysosomes

Ashim Rai, Divya Pathak,Shreyasi Thakur, Shampa Singh, Alok Kumar Dubey,Roop Mallik

Diverse cellular processes are driven by motor proteins that are recruited to and generate force on lipid membranes. Surprisingly little is known about how membranes control the force from motors and how this may impact specific cellular functions. Here, we show that dynein motors physically cluster into microdomains on the membrane of a phagosome as it matures inside cells. Such geometrical reorganization allows many dyneins within a cluster to generate cooperative force on a single microtubule. This results in rapid directed transport of the phagosome toward microtubule minus ends, likely promoting phagolysosome fusion and pathogen degradation. We show that lipophosphoglycan, the major molecule implicated in immune evasion of Leishmania donovani, inhibits phagosome motion by disrupting the clustering and therefore the cooperative force generation of dynein. These findings appear relevant to several pathogens that prevent phagosome-lysosome fusion by targeting lipid microdomains on phagosomes.
