脑细胞缺氧 会假死
部分脑细胞,当中风引起大脑缺氧时,被发现缺氧会呈现假死。英国牛津大学 Oxford University 的一项研究,发现能够呈现假死状态的脑细胞,是如何在假死与一般状态作切换,希望透过这样发现,将来能够用同样的方法,来保护当中风时可能受损的脑细胞,能够快速进入假死状态自我保护,当中风缓解时在恢復功能。
治疗中风必须与时间赛跑,除了要控制血液的流速,阻止血块持续增大外,也要能够保持氧气与养分的供应,避免脑细胞迅速的死亡,在 1926 年科学家发现,负责储存记忆的大脑海马区的部分细胞,在缺氧时不会死亡或损伤,而是產生假死来自我保护,牛津大学巴肯教授 (Professor Alastair Buchan, Head of the Medical Sciences Division and Dean of the Medical School at Oxford University),则对这项机制有了更进一步的研究。
研究团队透过动物实验得知,能够呈现假死状态的脑细胞,会產一种称為 hamartin 的蛋白质,来节省细胞内的氧气和营养的使用量,当危机状态解除时,这个蛋白质会停止分泌,让细胞回覆正常,假若阻止 hamartin 蛋白质分泌,脑细胞则会立刻死亡,巴肯教授表示,这是第一次确切发现大脑保护自己的机制,确保脑细胞能够在缺氧状态存活。
The researchers reported their findings in the journal Nature Medicine.
Tuberous sclerosis protein 1, also known as TSC1 or hamartin, is a human protein and gene.
This peripheral membrane protein was implicated as a tumor suppressor. It may be also involved in vesicular transport and docking, in complex with TSC2. Hamartin binds to a heat shock protein.
Defects in this gene may cause tuberous sclerosis, due to a functional impairment of the hamartin-tuberin complex.
Defects in TSC1 may also be a cause of focal cortical dysplasia. Hamartin is thought to be involved in protecting brain neurons in the CA3 region of the hippocampus from the effects of stroke, according to a 2013 article in Nature Medicine.