J Urol:你造吗?割包皮不会降低男性丁丁的敏感性

发布时间:2016-04-20 21:57:14


近日,发表于国际杂志the Journal of Urology上的一项研究论文中,来自加拿大皇后大学的研究人员通过研究发现,,相比婴儿时期不进行割礼(包皮环切)的男性而言,进行割礼(包皮环切)男性的丁丁的敏感性并不会下降。

文章中,研究者Jenn Bossio对年龄在18至37岁之间的62名男性进行了相关研究,其中30人进行过割礼,而另外32人未进行割礼;研究者利用触摸、疼痛、温暖检测及热痛的方法来检测参与者阴茎的四个不同位点,结果表明,新生儿时期进行包皮环切和男性成年后阴茎敏感性的变化之间并没有关联,同时研究者还指出,包皮并不是男性阴茎最敏感的部位。

此前科学家们仅进行过两项和该领域相关的研究,所有研究都利用了精细触觉的压力阈值(轻轻触碰),而其中一组研究利用了刺痛阈来进行研究,本文研究中研究者Bossio扩展了研究方法,即包括温暖检测(warmth detection)和热痛检测等,因为这些刺激很有可能会刺激和性快感相关的神经纤维。


全球几乎有三分之一的男性在出生时都会进行割礼,而且近日来自美国儿科学会(The American Academy of Pediatrics)的研究赞成个体在新生儿时期进行割礼,同时在非洲增加割礼男性的数量还将有助于降低HIV的传播率;研究者Bossio指出,在最终做出决定之前我们需要进行多个角度的观察分析,很多选择进行割礼的男性往往会纠正他们的性功能障碍,但本文研究发现这似乎对于纠正性功能障碍并无帮助。


Examining Penile Sensitivity in Neonatally Circumcised and Intact Men Using Quantitative Sensory Testing

Jennifer A. Bossiocorrespondenceemail, Caroline F. Pukall, Stephen S. Steele

Purpose Little is known about the long-term implications of neonatal circumcision on the penile sensitivity of adult men, despite recent public policy endorsing the procedure in the United States. In the current study we assessed penile sensitivity in adult men by comparing peripheral nerve function of the penis across circumcision status. Materials and Methods A total of 62 men (age 18 to 37 years, mean 24.1, SD 5.1) completed study procedures (30 circumcised, 32 intact). Quantitative sensory testing protocols were used to assess touch and pain thresholds (modified von Frey filaments) and warmth detection and heat pain thresholds (a thermal analyzer) at a control site (forearm) and 3 to 4 penile sites (glans penis, midline shaft, proximal to midline shaft and foreskin, if present). Results Penile sensitivity did not differ across circumcision status for any stimulus type or penile site. The foreskin of intact men was more sensitive to tactile stimulation than the other penile sites, but this finding did not extend to any other stimuli (where foreskin sensitivity was comparable to the other sites tested). Conclusions Findings suggest that minimal long-term implications for penile sensitivity exist as a result of the surgical excision of the foreskin during neonatal circumcision. Additionally, this study challenges past research suggesting that the foreskin is the most sensitive part of the adult penis. Future research should consider the direct link between penile sensitivity and the perception of pleasure/sensation. Results are relevant to policy makers, parents of male children and the general public.
