Diabetes Care:经皮氧分压可预测糖尿病患者心血管风险
该研究入选361例无合并症的2型糖尿病患者,随访45.8个月期间共发生67例MACE。研究者报告,发生MACE的受试者中ABI(≤0.9)和TcPO2(≤46 mm Hg)均降低者的比例较未发生MACE者明显增加(ABI:64.2% vs. 40.8%;TcPO2:58.2% vs. 34%)。Kaplan-Meier分析表明,ABI或TcPO2降低均与MACE风险增加有关。Cox回归分析证实,只有TcPO2降低可显著预测MACE的发生(HR=1.78,P<0.001)。
Transcutaneous Oxygen Tension As a Potential Predictor ofCardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes
Comparison with ankle-brachial index
Transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcPO2)measures tissue perfusion and is important in the management of peripheralartery disease (PAD). Ankle brachial index (ABI) is used for the diagnosis ofPAD and represents a predictor of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE),even if in diabetes its diagnostic and predictive value seems to be reduced. Nostudy has evaluated TcPO2 as a predictor of cardiovascular events. Aim of thislongitudinal study was to assess whether TcPO2 is better than ABI at predictingMACE in type 2 diabetic patients.
Among 361 consecutive patients withapparently uncomplicated diabetes, 67 MACE occurred during a follow-up periodof 45.8 ± 23.2 months.
The percentage of both subjects with low ABI(≤0.9) and subjects with low TcPO2 (≤46 mmHg as measured by a receiveroperating characteristic curve) was significantly (<0.001) greater amongpatients with than among those without MACEs (ABI 64.2 vs. 40.8; TcPO2 58.2 vs.34%). The Kaplan-Meier method showed that both low ABI (Mantel log-rank test,4.087; P = 0.043) and low TcPO2 (Mantel log-rank test, 33.748; P > 0.0001)were associated with a higher rate of MACEs. Cox regression analysis showedthat low TcPO2 (hazard ratio 1.78 [95% CI 1.44–2.23]; P < 0.001) was asignificant predictor of MACE, while ABI did not enter the model.
This longitudinal study showed that TcPO2 maybe a potential predictor of MACE among patients with uncomplicated type 2diabetes and that its predictive value seems to be greater than that of ABI.