2001年水下及高气压医学会年会将于2001年6月13-16日在美国德克萨斯的SAN ANTONIO举行

发布时间:2000-09-02 20:06:36



13-16 JUNE 2001



Founded in 1967, the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society is actively engaged in the advancement of undersea medicine, clinical hyperbaric medicine, and support sciences.  The Society provides an international forum for professional scientific communication among individuals and groups involved in basic and ap­plied studies concerned with the undersea environment and with the treatment of specific medical disorders with hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


Preliminary plans include a program of symposia, poster sessions, original papers and discussion. One of the goals of this meeting is to integrate the fields of hyperbaric and diving medicine. A joint introductory lecture will be scheduled each morning followed by a panel discussion. 

As always, the meeting will include the Suzanne Kronheim Lecture and the UHMS annual business meeting.  The Annual Awards banquet is scheduled for Saturday, June 16, 2001 in the Texas Ballroom.

For those interested in diving physiology, Dr. James Francis will chair a one day pre-course on Acute Management of Decompression Accidents. The course will be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2001. The course will cover current controversies: the assessment and classification of diving casualties; immediate treatment and options; recompression on site -versus- evacuation to distant hospital-based chambers; the consequences of delay; recompression algorithms and treatment failures; treatment results and audit; et cetera.


Immediately following the meeting, there will be a workshop on the topic “Epilepsy and Diving” chaired by Drs. Hugh Greer and Charles“Chip” Auker.  This workshop will be held Sunday, June 17, 2001.


The preliminary program will be mailed in March to all UHMS members and to nonmember advance registrants.  A full program with abstracts will be handed out to all registrants at the meeting.


Abstracts of communication are invited from members of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society and any individual in­volved in hyperbaric or diving research.  Abstracts submitted for the 2001 UHMS Meeting should not have been published nor presented before national or international meet­ings prior to this meeting.

Abstracts should be submitted electronically via e-mail; alternatively  by mail via diskette. Abstracts must be no longer than 300 words, exclusive of title, author, and institutions.  A hard copy of the abstract should only be sent by authors who do not have access to e-mail or computer. This copy should be camera-ready on plain white paper. The abstract should be 3½” wide. Please use a 9 point font, if possible. Instructions for preparing abstracts are included in this packet. The Abstract Submission Form may be mailed, faxed or, preferably, scanned into an email.


Abstracts will be selected for presentation on the ba­sis of quality.  The goal of each presentation should be to present results of studies on current develop­ments and problems in an area of undersea biomedi­cal research or hyperbaric medicine.  Presentations should emphasize the significance of the results and general principles involved rather than ordinary meth­ods and procedures.

Abstracts which describe results of studies must contain the following components: a) background and the study's specific objective, b) materials and methods, c) a description of the results, and d) a conclusion.  It is not satisfactory to state "The results will be discussed."  Incomplete abstracts, or abstracts not in the appropriate format will be returned to the authors.

Case reports should describe how the case relates to known facts about the disease.

The Program Committee will assign accepted communi­cations to either slide sessions or poster sessions.  Although authors are asked to indicate their presentation preference, the Program Committee will decide, within the limitations of time and space, how the abstract will be pro­grammed in order to form a coherent program on the basis of the relationship of other reports offered.


Authors scheduled in poster sessions will be assigned poster board space for the display of illustrative materials (graphs, charts and tabular matter), and are expected to be in atten­dance at the poster board for a designated period of time to discuss their work with interested colleagues. During each poster session, there will be a poster discussion which will be organized by the Program Committee. The accepted abstract will be published in the usual manner in the Program/Abstract book regardless of whether the abstract will be presented in a poster or slide session. The space and time allocation for each presentation will be indicated in the printed program with the usual list­ing of abstract title and author(s). Further details on the preparation of poster sessions will be mailed to the authors.


To assist the Program Committee in organizing abs­tracts into sessions, please indicate in the electronic or diskette copy, the topics to which your paper is most closely related.  Your abstract will be returned if you do not designate a topic. The list is not intended to be restrictive; any other topic may be specified and listed as #10 Miscellaneous.

1.    Decompression Procedures Across the Continuum of the Pressure Environment (Decompression Problems in Space Flight, in High Altitude Flight and from the Deep Sea; Decompression Procedures for Flying after Diving, and Diving at Altitude)

2.    Decompression Illness (Inert Gas Exchange, Bubble Physiology, Breathing Mixtures, Pathophysiology and Treatment)

3.    Hydrostatic Pressure (Physiological and Biochem­ical Effects of Pressure, HPNS, Human Behavior & Performance)

4.    Gas Physiology (Respiration and Gas Exchange, Exercise, Hypoxia, Breathhold Diving, Carbon Dioxide Effects)

5.    Thermal Environment/Metabolism (Heat, Cold, Thermal Pro­tection)

6.    Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Clinical Applications (Intravascular Gas Embolism, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Wound Healing, Soft Tissue and Bone Infection, Oxygen Dose/Treatment Tables, Economic Considerations)

7.    Physiological and Biochemical Effects of Oxygen, Basic Studies (Micro-biological Host Factors, Wound Healing, Changes in Immune Function, Bone Formation, Myovascularization, Membrane Permeability, Vasoconstriction, Oxygen Toxicity)

8.    Technological and Physiological Aspects of Hyperbaric and Submarine Systems (Underwater Breathing Apparatus, Submersibles, Deep Diving Systems, Hyperbaric Chambers, One Atmospheric Diving Systems, and Submarine Medicine)

9.    Recreational Diving Medicine (Data Bases and Epidemiology, Decompression Procedures, Computers, Risk Factors, Repetitive Diving, Medical Screening)

10.  Miscellaneous Topics


Presenting authors will be notified in February 2001 of disposition of the abstract, and time for presentation, if programmed.  It is preferred that selected papers be presented and discussed by the first-named author.

A standard 2" x 2" slide projector, power point projection, and an overhead projector will be available in the session rooms.  Other equipment can be made available if essential to the presentation provided the author indicates this in the appropriate space on the submission form. Projection equipment cannot be provided for Poster Sessions.


The Adam’s Mark Hotel in San Antonio, Texas is the host hotel for our 2001 annual meeting.  Adam’s Mark Hotel is located at 111 Pecan Street East, Telephone 210-344-2800, Fax 210-362-6444.  UHMS has blocked 300 rooms for this meeting.  It is recommended you make your reservations no later than May 10, 2001 and cite the UHMS blocked rooms to get the discounted rates ($129 single and $139 double) for this meeting.   More information about registration and housing will be announced in Pressure and mailed to all UHMS members.


Deadline for receipt of abstracts: 15 January 2001

1.        For e-mail transmission: uhms@uhms.org.

Refer to SAN ANTONIO ABSTRACT on the subject line.

2.     For diskette, camera ready copy and Submission Form mail to:

Annual Meeting Secretariat
            Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
            10531 Metropolitan Ave.
            Kensington, MD 20895 U.S.A.
            (301)942-2980 x102; FAX (301)942-7804

3.     To obtain additional forms or information please con­tact:

Rosana Enamorado, UHMS 
            10531 Metropolitan Ave.
            Kensington, MD 20895
            (301)942-2980 ext.102;  FAX (301)942-7804
            E-mail: Rosanna@uhms.org





REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL SUBMISSIONS (Please Note: if any of the following requirements are not received, the abstract will be returned):  

1.        Name, address, phone, fax, e-mail (if available) of the presenting author.  Title in capital letters, author names underlined, include laboratory where research was done, city, state, and zip code.   On the reverse of this page is

2.         a sample of appropriate abstract style.

3.        Each abstract should have the following components present – Background/introduction, materials and methods, results (must include summary of actual data), conclusions (include statistical evaluation when possible).  Submissions not meeting requirements will be rejected.

4.        Your abstract must be no longer than 300 words, exclusive of title, author(s), and institution(s).

5.        Designate topic choice by number. (SEE LIST ON REVERSE OF CALL FOR ABSTRACTS)

6.        Designate paper presentation (slide, poster, either). Program Committee will do its best to accommodate your request.

7.        If slide presentation is chosen, please circle the type of audio visual equipment you will need. (slide projector, overhead projector, power point presentation, other _____________________).


1.        Via electronic mail – uhms@uhms.org –refer to SAN ANTONIO ABSTRACT on the subject line.  You will receive confirmation.

2.        Via diskette or camera-ready hard copy – see mailing address on the back side of the Call for Abstracts.


1. Permission to tape is hereby granted (mandatory for oral presentations).




2. Signature indicates that the research reported in this abstract follows the Principles embodies by the Declaration of Helsinki (stated in each issue ofUndersea & Hyperbaric Medicine) with approval by the appropriate animal/human use committee, if appropriate.  (Signature is required for research involving animals or humans.)



FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM (must be completed by all presenters)

As a sponsor accredited by the ACCME, the UHMS must insure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its individually sponsored or jointly sponsored educational activities.  All individuals participating in a sponsored activity are expected to disclose to the audience any significant financial interest or other relationship: 1) with the manufacturer of any commercial product and/or provider of commercial services discussed in an educational presentation; and 2) with any commercial supporters of the activity.  The intent of this disclosure is not to prevent the speaker with a significant financial or other relationship from making a presentation, but rather to provide listeners with information on which they can make their own judgments.

I.   Will your presentation include discussion of any commercial products or services?  _____ Yes   _____ No

If yes, do you have a significant financial interest or other relationship with the manufacturer(s) of any of the products or provider(s) of any of the services you intend to discuss?   _____ Yes   _____ No

If yes, please list the manufacturer(s) or provider(s) and describe the nature of the relationship(s)

II. This activity is supported by a grant from ____________________________________________ . 

Do you have a significant relationship(s) with the commercial supporter(s) of this activity?   _____ Yes   _____ No

If yes, please list the commercial supporter(s) and describe your relationship(s).




NAME OF PRESENTING AUTHOR                               FAX                    E-MAIL



ABSTRACT TITLE ______________________________________________________________
