Single atom substitution in mouse protein kinase G eliminates oxidant sensing to cause hypertension

发布时间:2016-01-19 22:02:05



该研究由国王学院的Philip Eaton博士领导,由英国心脏基金会(BHF)和医学研究理事会(MRC)共同资助,研究的结果发表在《自然-医学》(NatureMedicine)上。研究显示,氧化剂在化学反应中"窃取"其它分子的电子,这有助于防止高血压


国王学院心血管生物化学教授Philip Eaton教授评价说:"我们的工作将有助于改变科学界对氧化剂的看法;有越来越多的证据表明产生于健康细胞中的氧化剂发挥着重要的调节功能。现在,我们已经证实氧化剂在健康机体中降低血压的重要性,站在一个理想的角度从逻辑上推论,一些高血压的发生可能正是由于这条途径停止了正常工作。"

英国心脏基金会(BHF)研究顾问Helene Wilson博士补充道:"情况并不像'氧化剂是坏的'和'抗氧化剂是好的'这么简单。这项小鼠中的研究让我们对人体如何调控血压有了更进一步的了解,第一次证明氧化剂在机体血压调控方面扮演了重要的角色。同时它也突出了开发治疗高血压新药物的潜在靶标,而高血压正是心脏病和中风主要的风险因素。"


Oleksandra Prysyazhna, Olena Rudyk & Philip Eaton

Abstract:Blood pressure regulation is crucial for the maintenance of health, andhypertension is a risk factor for myocardial infarction, heart failure, strokeand renal disease. Nitric oxide (NO) and prostacyclin trigger well-definedvasodilator pathways; however, substantial vasorelaxation in response to agentssuch as acetylcholine persists when the synthesis of these molecules isprevented. This remaining vasorelaxation activity, termed endothelium-derivedhyperpolarizing factor (EDHF), is more prevalent in resistance than in conduitblood vessels and is considered a major mechanism for blood pressure control1,2, 3, 4. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been shown to be a major component ofEDHF in several vascular beds in multiple species, including in humans5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10. H2O2 causes the formation of a disulfide bond between the twoαsubunits of protein kinase G I-α (PKGI-α), which activates the kinaseindependently of the NO–cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) pathway and iscoupled to vasodilation11. To test the importance of PKGI-α oxidation in theEDHF mechanism and blood pressure control in vivo, we generated a knock-inmouse expressing only a C42S 'redox-dead' version of PKGI-α. This amino acidsubstitution, a single-atom change (an oxygen atom replacing a sulfur atom),blocked the vasodilatory action of H2O2 on resistance vessels and resulted inhypertension in vivo.
